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Thursday, 1 September 2016

Hot Updates: Do Not Be Fooled By Their Pretty Faces, These Are The Shocking Crimes The 1st Runners Up And 2nd Runners Up At Miss Lang’ata Prison Beauty Pageants Committed.......

By now, most of you know that Ruth Kamande Alias Biggy, the young lady who brutally murdered her boyfriend by stabbing him 22 times is now a beauty queen.
Ruth was announced as the new Miss Lang’ata Prisons and the internet momentarily forgot of her heinous crime and greatly praised her beauty. Men all over the country have liked and tweeted photos of the beauty with some even saying that should be in their arms and not in jail.
As it turns out, Ruth is not the only hot hardcore criminal who made it to the top three after beating out 16 other contestants.
The 1st runners up was Tina Martin, a Tanzanian accused of drug trafficking and Susan Wairimu, the 2nd Runners up is in for robbery with violence and murder.

Ruth in Pink with Tina on her right in navy blue and Susan on her left in a colorful flowered dress
Rachel Shebesh who graced the occasions offered to bail out 20 criminals accused of petty crimes. “It does not make sense to remand petty offenders like these ones just because they cannot pay bail because it contributes to congestion in the prisons." Rachel said before adding that she hopes that the released prisoners will not be involved in other crimes.